


Weldaloy manufactures custom non-ferrous forged products and also operates a fully independent materials testing laboratory. Weldaloy’s location and presence in South Warren inspired the founders of 48089Rising to give back to the community.

Warren Strategies

Rick Warren is Chairman Warren Strategies, a coaching and private equity investment firm based in Warren, Michigan, that seeks to provide strategy, management, and marketing services to middle market companies in Michigan, and the Great Lakes Region.

Ministry and Nonprofit

alliance of warren evangelicals

AWE exists as a group of evangelical pastors for the purpose of expressing the love of Jesus Christ in Warren, Michigan through practical acts of love and service. 48089Rising has partnered with AWE in programing and ministry.

the other rick warren

Rick's journey with Christ began later in life and it has changed him forever—he is eager to share his story of redemption and God's grace. Rick’s true passions are for people and the gospel. He is heavily involved with various ministries and nonprofit organizations and enjoys spending time with his family.

elevating christ in our community